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Paternity testing during pregnancy

Confirm your baby’s father with the Certainty™ DNA test

Affirm payment plans available

As early as 7 weeks

Pregnant, but need to confirm the baby's father?

Whether you’re unsure of who the father is, or your partner is requesting confirmation, we can bring clarity. There are many reasons for a prenatal paternity test, and many questions that bring additional stress to your pregnancy:

  • How can I privately confirm who the father is?
  • How can I put my partner’s paternity questions to rest?
  • How complicated is this process?
  • How confident can I be in the results?
  • Will the results be legally admissible?
  • Who can I trust to help me get answers?

Without a clear path forward, it’s common to feel alone on this journey.

You deserve certainty.

With Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity testing (NIPP), both parents can get the answers they need before the baby is born.

NIPP testing determines biological fatherhood using a blood sample from the mother, and a cheek swab (or other DNA sample) from the potential father with over 99.9% confidence, starting at 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Don’t live with uncertainty about your baby’s father.
Whether you need answers for your own peace of mind, or your partner needs clarity before embarking on the parenthood journey, we’re here to help. Call for a free consultation today, and get answers to help you make the next right step.

Testing Options

Depending on your needs, DDC offers both legal and non-legal testing options. While the lab process and accuracy is the same for both test types, only results from samples collected in an approved facility are admissible in court.

Legal Test

The purpose: Results can be used in court for child custody/child support

  • Follows strict chain-of-custody process and can be used in court
  • Cheek swab at an approved health facility
  • Can be used in the courtroom
  • Cannot be done anonymously
  • 99.9%+ Accuracy
  • Names included on report

Non-Legal Test

The purpose: For peace of mind

  • Collect father’s DNA sample at home using cheek swab OR from other DNA sample (fingernail, cigarette butts, ear swab)
  • Cannot be used in the courtroom
  • Can be done anonymously
  • 99.9%+ Accuracy
  • Names not included on report
Not sure which test you need?

Give us a call, and we’ll help you determine which test is right for you.

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3 Easy Steps to Get the Answers you Need

Call for a Free Consultation

Call to have a free consultation with a member of our compassionate, knowledgeable customer service team and discover testing options and payment plans that are best for your situation.

Collect Sample

All that is required is a small blood sample from the mother, and cheek swab (or other sample) from the potential father, taken at home or with you at the appointment.

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Receive Private, Secure Results

Get fast, accurate results in as little as 3 business days and get the answers you need to move forward in your pregnancy journey. When your results are ready, you’ll get an email with a link to our secure portal, where you can view your complete report.

View Sample Report

World leaders in paternity testing

Go to your DNA collection appointment at one of our 3,500+ nationwide locations as soon as the same day!

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Why DDC?

Get results from the most accredited lab in the world, with over 1 million DNA samples processed each year. We are the world leaders in paternity testing, and pioneered the development of the prenatal paternity test.


Years of DNA testing expertise


Collection locations across the USA


Paternity clients served

First and only test accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
The only test endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association (APA)

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a non-invasive prenatal paternity test?

A non-invasive prenatal paternity test determines who the father is before the baby is born. While the mom is pregnant, the DNA profile of the baby is determined from free-floating fetal cells found in the mom’s blood sample. The baby’s profile is compared to the DNA profile of the man tested—his DNA is collected by a simple mouth swab. In situations where a mouth swab is not available, we can also process other samples including fingernail clippings, cigarette butts, ear swabs, etc for the potential father. A report is then generated to show if the man tested is or is not the biological father. 

How does NIPP work?

Early in pregnancy, the baby’s DNA can be detected in the mother’s bloodstream using highly sensitive equipment. We are able to separate the fetal DNA from the mother’s DNA to create a DNA profile for the baby. We then use the baby’s profile to test the baby’s DNA against the potential father’s DNA to determine with 99.9% confidence whether he is the father.

Is the Certainty™ Prenatal Paternity Test report court-admissible?

If a Legal Test is selected, our prenatal paternity test follows a strict chain-of-custody process with the DNA sample collection witnessed, giving you legal, court-admissible paternity test results. Some people choose to collect the possible father’s DNA sample at home with just a cheek swab, in which case the results are not court-admissible because we cannot verify the DNA was collected from that man.

How are DNA samples collected?

Prenatal paternity test DNA samples typically include a blood draw from the mother and a cheek swab from the possible father. We’ve recently added the capability to test several alternate DNA sample types for the possible father, including cigarette butts, fingernail clippings, and ear swabs. See below for more details.

Are there any restrictions for paternity testing while pregnant?

  • A woman must be at least 7 weeks pregnant to test.
  • A prenatal paternity test cannot be performed for a woman expecting twins or multiples.
  • We cannot perform testing with two possible fathers who share a close biological relationship.

What samples can we accept from the Mother?

We can only accept a blood sample using our DDC NIPP kits.

What samples can we accept from the Father?

  • For legal cases, we can accept buccal (cheek) swab, or blood sample.
  • For non-legal cases, we can also accept blood on items, fingernails/toenails, ear swabs, cigarette butt, mucus, saliva, or semen/condom. For these “non-standard” samples, we first run a viability test to make sure we can collect enough DNA from the sample. No viability test is needed for buccal or blood.
  • Samples can be submitted anonymously for non-legal cases – no need to provide us with any more information than you feel comfortable with. However, we maintain the strictest confidentiality for all of our tests.

What payment plans do you offer?

Speak with a member of our compassionate, knowledgeable customer service team and discover testing options and payment plans that are best for your situation.

Affirm payment options available.

Does the test determine the gender of the baby?

Yes. We can include it on your report if you would like, for no additional charge.

What does “non-invasive” mean?

“Non-invasive” means there is no need to intrude in the baby’s safe environment to test for paternity. Instead, we collect only a blood sample from the mom’s arm, and a cheek-swab sample from the father. 

Will a previous pregnancy affect the outcome of a test?

No, a previous pregnancy will not affect the outcome of a non-invasive prenatal paternity test.

Is there a difference between the DNA Diagnostics Center laboratory and other labs?

Yes, there are many differences. Here are the Top 3: 

  1. Patient Care: Our prenatal specialists have an average of 10+ years’ experience, and guide you through testing and are available to answer questions every step of the way 
  2. Testing Accuracy: DDC maintains seven (7) laboratory accreditations, reflecting our commitment to quality and accuracy. Including the Gold Standard: AABB accreditation. 
  3. Full-Circle Test Management: DDC does not farm out our testing or our services. All stages of testing happen here in our state-of-the-art lab, so we have complete control over the quality of testing and services provided. 

*What does “over 99.9% accurate” mean? Could my test be wrong?

The Certainty™ NIPP Test result compares the baby’s DNA with the DNA of the father, and if there’s a very close match, your test will read “Probability of Paternity: >99.9%”. If there is not a close match, the probability of paternity will be “0%”. Because there is always a possibility that another man could have nearly identical DNA to the true father, a paternity test result can never read “100%”. However, the results of the test are absolutely guaranteed. When your samples arrive at the lab, we process them twice by two different teams. Afterwards, the results are compared to make sure they are identical. All tests are reviewed by our in-house Ph.D. DNA experts to ensure accuracy every time.

Prenatal Paternity Test Reviews